Investment opportunity

We are looking for funding in order to move forward with our research and development. Read more below.

Investment opportunity

Company presentation in English and Finnish

Medicortex Ppp July 2024
2 MB, updated on Jul 1st 2024
Medicortex Ppp Heinakuu 2024
4.6 MB, updated on Jul 1st 2024

Company Executive Summaries 

Medicortex Executive Summary July 2024
1.7 MB, updated on Jul 1st 2024
Medicortex Yhtioesite Heinakuu 2024
1.7 MB, updated on Jul 1st 2024

Subscription agreement

2024 Q2 Subscription Agreement
136 KB, updated on Apr 4th 2024
2024 Q2 Merkintasopimus
115 KB, updated on Apr 4th 2024

Shares can be subscribed by filling in, printing, and signing the document above, after which the (scanned) document can be sent via email: medicortex a or mail: Medicortex Finland Oyj, Itäinen Pitkäkatu 4 B, 4th floor, FI-20520 Turku, Finland. We will return you a copy of the agreement signed by the representative of the company, after which you have 14 days to pay the total subscription price to the Nordea bank account provided on the last page of the subscription agreement. Company’s Board of Directors will confirm the subscriptions after the round, whereafter they will enter the official registration and book-entry affiliation (Note. It will take some time until the shares are registered and cleared to the electronic book-entry securities system).

Financial information

The latest approved Financial statement and auditor's report:

Medicortex Tilinpaatos 2023 Ja Tilintarkastus
12.1 MB, updated on Mar 25th 2024
Medicortex Financial Statements 2023 English
1.7 MB, updated on Mar 25th 2024